Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Expat Association Coach Of The Month

Do it our way or you may possibly incur regrets.

Name: Barny "Knuckles" Pederson

Title: Expert, Expat, Educator, Real Estate and Loan Counselor

Business Name: The Paradise Within Real Estate for Retirees and Expats

Niche / Specialities: Natural Healing, Shung Fui, Divination, Home Tours, Loans

Expat Experience: I have been living abroad for several months now and pretty much have it figured out. Reasonable fees. Satisfaction highly likely as I am well liked by many, and treated with respect by the rest.

Life experience: Since finishing my studies with the State of Louisiana's Department of Prisons and Paroles I have been traveling on a borrowed passport, which helps me keep a low profile. Before that I was a high school counselor, janitor, short order cook, preacher, psychotherapist, snake handler, author, father, husband, and mental health expert. But mostly I was in sales, loans, and enforcement.

Accomplishments: I have Mastery of Public Administrative Processes from the School of First Hand Experience, based on my interactions with various leading attorneys, judges, counselors, psychiatrists, and law enforcement figures. I have attended or led many pep talks and sales meetings. I once had a license in the State of Texas, which is a fine place.

For a while I was a Professional Loan and Loan Enforcement Officer for a multi-state business conglomerate which has in recent years successfully taken over most of Las Vegas.

Relationship Therapy, Sexual Addiction Therapy, Multiple Addiction Therapy, Post Induction Therapy and Somatic Experiencing are all interests of mine, as is the whole Alcoholics Anonymous philosophy, which I am learning the value of as time goes by. In my few spare moments I arrange flowers and send them to bereaved families of former business associates, in case they encounter unfortunate circumstances. Which happens, you know?

I have three years of experience in Home Appraisal and Remodeling Techniques and often made Top Real Estate Turnover Expert of the month in the Tri-State Area before beginning my studies within the Law Enforcement System.

I have just finished pouring my broad experience in psychology, divination, and sales and loan negotiating tactics into a new book titled "Top 10 Reasons to Buy Now!", which you can get direct from my web site for only $29.99.

Sure, this sounds like a lot, but it is refundable when you sign up for one of my affordable The Paradise Within Retiree and Expat Home Tours in any of the top retirement countries I serve. Call for details as my exact location changes daily.

Coaching Style: I believe that it is in everyone's best interest to own real estate, which is why I like to concentrate on welcoming newcomers into our own private world of Retiree and Expat Home Ownership. I teach people how to empower themselves and discover their hidden talents for picking and investing in Retiree and Expat Home Ownership opportunities, how to transfer their money to my bank (new this month), and how they can help their friends, neighbors, and relatives from "back home" to make the transition to Living the Retiree and Expat Life Style on little or no money down.

As I like to say: We transform daydreams into Retiree and Expat Real Estate Ownership Realities. Cash only.